Many People Are Hanging Bags Of Water Above Their Doors To Deter Bugs




I don’t know about you, but it feels like every summer, the bugs just get worse and worse. You might even avoid going outside after dinner — when the bugs all seem to multiply and begin plotting their attacks.

However, you shouldn’t have to risk spending time outdoors because of irritating pests. Instead, try this super cheap and easy hack from Newsner to discourage bugs from hanging out in and around your house.

Here’s what you’ll need for this simple project:

heavy-duty freezer bag
sprinkle of table salt
splash of lime juice
a few coins
First, fill the freezer bag with all of the other items on the list. After sealing it, hang the bag above your door or anywhere else near your house that is prone to insects. Wherever you choose to hang the bag, just make sure that the spot is somewhere that reflects sunlight. If you want to hang the bag somewhere in your house, indoor lights will also do the trick.

If you’re wondering how on earth hanging a bag filled with water could possibly detract flies, here’s the deal. When the water and coins reflect back into the bugs’ eyes, they become disoriented. They have a hard time seeing and flying, so they quickly learn to avoid the area with the hanging bag. The best part about this hack is that it’s completely humane — no chemicals or bug-killing required!

If you’re wondering how on earth hanging a bag filled with water could possibly detract flies, here’s the deal. When the water and coins reflect back into the bugs’ eyes, they become disoriented. They have a hard time seeing and flying, so they quickly learn to avoid the area with the hanging bag. The best part about this hack is that it’s completely humane — no chemicals or bug-killing required!

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