Farmers Were Shocked When They Saw What The Cow Gave Birth To





Eeny, Meeny, Miny, and Moo are the names of four healthy calves that a cow in Northeast Texas gave birth to.

Jimmy Barling announced on Monday that tissue samples from the four calves would be subjected to DNA testing in order to establish that they were all born to the same mother.

The fourth calf was a female, and the other three were male.

“We knew she was pregnant, but we didn’t know she was going to do this,” the 76-year-old Barling said. “This was a shock. This blew our minds.”

The couple’s 20 or so cattle are owned by Barling’s wife, Dora Rumsey-Barling, who lives outside of DeKalb close to the Arkansas and Oklahoma borders.

The names “Eeny, Meeny, Miny, and Moo” were given to the four black calves by Rumsey-Barling’s granddaughter, according to Barling.

Local veterinarian Mike Baird described the births as “extremely rare.”

According to him, the odds of having four healthy calves born to a single cow are 1 in 11.2 million.

Baird is acquainted with the family and is almost certain that all four calves were produced by the same cow, as opposed to another cow in the vicinity giving birth to one or two calves before leaving the area and giving the impression that all four were produced by the Barlings’ cow..

“In the interest of science and the animal world, it’s one of those things that need to be verified beyond a shadow of a doubt,” he said.

When they heard buzzards flying overhead, the couple went to check on the cow. They stayed to watch as she gave birth to her fourth calf.

Because the mother cow can’t handle it, they must rely on their neighbors to help them feed their four calves.

Eeny, Meeny, and Miny are in the custody of two different people, but Moo has remained with her mother.

Meeny, who is the lightest of the calves at about 25 pounds, is also the smallest.

A healthy calf’s birth weight

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