Mom Warns Others About The Link Between A ‘Fishy Smell’ And Melting Electrical Outlets

I would hope that we all know carbon monoxide is odorless, and that’s why everyone should have multiple carbon monoxide detectors in their home. Most people are also aware that a smell similar to rotten eggs signals a natural gas leak. But if you happened to smell something fishy in your home, what would your first reaction be?

Katie Rose Dugger took to Facebook to warn others about a fishy smell in her home that ended up being something pretty terrifying. Katie explained that a few weeks ago, her son’s bedroom started to smell like fish. She searched and deep cleaned his room, yet could still not figure out what the source of that awful smell was. Finally, Katie decided to do a quick Google search in order to determine where the odor was coming from.

Her search revealed that a fishy odor can point to melting plastic from electrical outlets. Sure enough, she discovered an outlet that was overheating and melting the plugs. After calling an electrician that same day, the electrician found that there was a bad, loose wire in the outlet. He ended up having to replace the whole outlet.
Let Katie’s warning serve as important information regarding the outlets in your home. If you smell something fishy and can’t figure out the source, it’s time to check the outlets and plugs for overheating. Knowing this information could prevent a tragic fire and potentially even save lives.

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