If you find a tick inside your home, here’s what you need to know



I like to believe that I am a loving and compassionate person toward all living things. Even though many people have a fear of spiders and snakes, I don’t get so scared of them that I actively try to stay away from them.

It’s possible to argue that I have a high threshold for creepy crawlies. but without ticks.

No, even though it makes me feel horrible to say it, I wouldn’t miss a single sleep if ticks disappeared tomorrow. The problem is that they can be harmful in addition to being bothersome and intrusive—enough to make most people cringe.

Ticks are known to transmit serious illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so it goes without saying that you should avoid having them around as home guests.

That being said, the likelihood of you coming into contact with ticks might vary greatly based on your location, the season, and whether or not you have pets at home.

No, even though it makes me feel horrible to say it, I wouldn’t miss a single sleep if ticks disappeared tomorrow. The problem is that they can be harmful in addition to being bothersome and intrusive—enough to make most people cringe.

Ticks are known to transmit serious illnesses like Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever, so it goes without saying that you should avoid having them around as home guests.

That being said, the likelihood of you coming into contact with ticks might vary greatly based on your location, the season, and whether or not you have pets at home.


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