Meet “the world’s most beautiful” horse, which has a golden look.

Horses are incredible works of art. They are untamed and majestic, and their breathtaking beauty can rival virtually anything.

The horse we are about to introduce could be the most gorgeous horse you have ever seen.


This horse, from Turkey, has been dubbed the most gorgeous in the world by specialists.

He belongs to the Akhal-Teke breed, a direct ancestor of the extinct Turkoman horse.


There are currently just 3,500 of these horses in existence.


Below, you can see a horse that appears to have been covered in gold.


The Akhal-Teke has the most beautiful coat, which shines in the sunlight. It’s a thoroughbred that measures 58 to 64 inches (147 to 163 cm) tall. The horse is known as “the horse from heaven” in China.


And this fantastic creature certainly has a divine appearance.


According to specialists, the structure of its fur, intended to work as a light intensifier and reflect the light rays, gives it its dazzling sheen.

The ‘Akhal-Teke’ is thought to be born with this golden fur so they can use it as camouflage in the desert.The breed is the oldest in the world and the first to be domesticated; it is thought to have originated in Achal, Turkmenistan, around 3,000 years ago.

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